
In this age of rapidly changing technology and global challenges
the question has become "What's next?"

At Georgia Tech, we're on it.

Research Continuity Guidance


Georgia Tech’s research enterprise has been affected by the water main break on campus as research operations continue to ramp up. Information on the water main break, a list of frequently asked questions and a link to a recent research town hall meeting are available on the resource page.

Water Main Break


Access the Ramp-Up FAQs, EVPR Team Directory, Research Continuity Plan, and other information.

Research Ramp-up Page


Today’s innovations often take place at the intersection of disciplines. Georgia Tech's research enterprise encourages the kinds of multidisciplinary collaboration that makes these advances possible.

[新京报]原子能楼被拆,感情和记忆无法重建_正义网 - jcrb.com:2021-6-23 · 据媒体报道,位于中关村的中科院原子能楼日前开始了拆除工作,被拆已成既定事实。而上周,一些中科院的院士与职工,还在想办法争取将原子能楼保护下来。大众舆论对于原子能楼的拆除,并无太大的反应。据悉,原子能楼拆除后,原址或将建起国家纳米中心实验室。

Georgia Tech consistently ranks among the top U.S. universities in the volume of research conducted, and in 2023, we attracted more than $1 billion to help address critical challenges in computing, engineering, design, the sciences, liberal arts, and business.

Ranked fifth among U.S. public universities by U.S. News & World Report and with all of our graduate engineering programs ranked among the top ten in the nation, Georgia Tech attracts top faculty, researchers, and students to develop the next big ideas in areas such as enterprise-level artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, quantum systems and hypersonic technologies.


Shape-Shifting Robot Built from “Smarticles” Shows New Locomotion Strategy

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But developing the next big ideas in research isn’t enough. We’re also moving these solutions out into the world through commercialization and technology transfer, powering an innovation ecosystem to benefit stakeholders ranging from students to startup companies.

We recently opened Coda, a 21-story public-private building designed not only to encourage interdisciplinary research but also to create new collaboration opportunities with industry in Technology Square, one of the South’s largest innovation districts.

Georgia Tech is in the business of creating the next — the next big idea, the next great technology, and the next legion of visionary leaders. Bound together by passion and skill, spurred by our imaginations, and rolling up our sleeves to get it done, our faculty, researchers, and students are solving the grand challenges of our time.


3D-Printed Device Finds ‘Needle in a Haystack’ Cancer Cells by Removing the Hay

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The Minds of the New Machines

Machine learning has been around for decades, but the advent of big data and more powerful computers has increased its impact significantly, moving machine learning beyond pattern recognition and natural language processing into a broad array of scientific disciplines. Georgia Tech is a leader in this application-rich component of artificial intelligence.

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Fighting a Potential Flu Pandemic

During fiscal 2023, Georgia Tech was awarded $21.9 million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop new techniques for battling a potential flu pandemic. The project will involve five universities, a company and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Improving Sanitation Worldwide
Improving Sanitation Worldwide

To address a global need, Georgia Tech received a $13.5 million award from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help bring together research teams working on a global grand challenge: reinventing the toilet. The project could improve sanitation for 2.5 billion people worldwide.

Aluminum Manufacturer Announces Collaboration
Aluminum Manufacturer Announces Collaboration

5G,经济高质量发展的重要引擎- 四川新闻网-地方频道:2021-11-5 · 产业转型升级的加速器。5G等新型信息技术与实体经济深度融合,将促进智能连接、云网融合贯穿到各行各业生产环节,加速数字化、网络化、智能化转型,充分释放数字对经济发展的放大、叠加、倍增作用。构建智慧社会的新基石。

Frugal Science Makes Research Tools Available
Frugal Science Makes Research Tools Available

Georgia Tech researchers are helping make the tools of science available to K-12 education and scientists who might otherwise not have access to them. A 3D-printed wheel produced for a dollar, for example, does the job of a costly centrifuge.